The Myth of Saint Denis
The story of Saint Denis is unclear as it combines a mix of reality and legends reinterpreted over the centuries. Guardian of the King and the Kingdom, Denis was summoned [s1] to establish the royal power and to link the spiritual and temporal powers. Founding myth of the city, the legend tells that Denis, who was the first bishop of Paris, was sent by Pope Clement in the 3rd century to evangelize Gaul (present day France). Said to have been beheaded with an ax, and to have walked, holding his head in his hands, towards his burial place, around which the city of Saint-Denis has developed.
Laure Gayet, Légendes Urbaines and June Grant, blinkLAB
The Myth of Saint Denis
The story of Saint Denis is unclear as it combines a mix of reality and legends reinterpreted over the centuries. Guardian of the King and the Kingdom, Denis was summoned [s1] to establish the royal power and to link the spiritual and temporal powers. Founding myth of the city, the legend tells that Denis, who was the first bishop of Paris, was sent by Pope Clement in the 3rd century to evangelize Gaul (present day France). Said to have been beheaded with an ax, and to have walked, holding his head in his hands, towards his burial place, around which the city of Saint-Denis has developed.
- Saint-Denis portant sa tête, d’après La légende de Saint-Denis de Paul Louis Delance, 1888. © Archives municipales de Saint-Denis Laure Gayet, Légendes Urbaines et June Grant, blinkLAB