october 2019
Learning expedition in Saint-Denis
The program brought together Californian and French urban planners, urban communities, cities, artists and cultural institutions, social entrepreneurs, fondations, urban agencies and universities.
The Californian delegation: Moy Eng, CEO/Community Arts Stabilization Trust, Julie Fry, CEO/California Humanities, William Gilchrist, directeur d’urbanisme/Ville d’Oakland, Shannon Jackson, Vice Chancellor Arts + Design/ UC Berkeley, Robert Ogilvie, Directeur Oakland/SPUR (agence urbaine), Matthew Passmore, artiste et fondateur/studio Morelab et Steven Raspa, directeur associé/Burning Man Project.
The French partners (some of them took part in the learning expedition in Oakland) : Ville de Saint-Denis, Plaine Commune, Société du Grand Paris, Le 6b, Ateliers Médicis, l’agence urbaine APUR, l’atelier d’urbanisme Légendes Urbaines, l’entreprise sociale Baluchon, l’Université Paris 8, la Maison Jaune, la coopération la Main 9-3.0, Mains d’Oeuvres, et la compagnie artistique Kaimera Productions.
The program
Interactions and experience sharing were structured in accordance with the following objectives:
Explore the city of Saint-Denis, the stakeholders and challenges: what specificities and similarities with San Francisco Bay Area
Describe and measure the impact of artists in the city
Promote the transformation of our territories by involving the artists and the inhabitants
Find innovative tools to build more inclusive and creative cities : share new models on economic, legislative and social levels.